The Original Bug Shirt. Handcrafted in Canada, helping people enjoy the outdoors since 1991.

What the Media Says

“Yes, the hooded bug shirts you see in canoeing magazines (the Original Bug Shirt, still the industry standard, can be ordered by calling 800-998-9096 or online at, with their fine mesh face masks, will make you look like an astronaut from a ’50s sci-fi flick. So what? You’ll be catching small mouths while your companions run screaming into the boonies.”


Keith McCafferty, Field and Stream, Page 74, July 2002


“Effective bugproof clothing can make living with insect hordes a lot more bearable. The Original Bug Shirt Company . . . manufactures the design I like best.


Jerome E. Robinson, Field and Stream, June 1996


“Anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors during the bug season – …gardening, farming, hiking, yard cleaning and tree planting – will like it.”


Harrowsmith, June 1992


“Tired of using chemicals to ward off hungry bands of insects? Made for adults and kids, this shirt is constructed of a tightly woven fabric impenetrable to mosquitoes that’s bridged with panels of a polyester no-see-um mesh for ventilation. The mesh is designed to hang away from the body and be zipped away at the face. I remember one long night in a malarial jungle in Laos when I would have traded anything for this shirt.”


Kevin Vallely, Outpost, Annual 2006


” . . . reclaim your favorite bit of back country from the winged nemesis.”


Backpacker – Gear, May 1992


” . . . this could be the answer to your prayers.”


Outdoor Photographer, August 1994


” . . . guaranteed to put plasma back into your paddling.”


Paddling, November 1992

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